
Name: Normund.

Gender: Male.

Age: 65.

Height: Tall 6’4.

Eye Colour: never know, he is always wearing goggles.

Hair Colour: Blue/ dark blue.

Skin Colour: Pale. Burnt nose.

posture: Hunched back leaning forward but still tall.

Appearance: Normund sports a clean cut Mohawk with appropriately suited desert goggles that he never takes off. He is tall and slender with a crooked back that came with his age. He has pale skin as he is weak and old, unlike the men before his time. He was raised with love by his parents and sheltered from the elements and developed a paler skin. He is also much taller than his predecessors as he was fed substantially more than a child of his day. He wears blue tight pants and a white shirt with big leather boots to save his feet from the harsh desert landscape.

Defects: slow, old and weathered from his harsh environment.


Class: nomadic survivor.

Education: Taught how to survive the wasteland by his parents.

Home Life: loved and adored by his mother and father who believed in self sacrifice. They died when he was an infant, no older than 6. They gave him their last resource hoping he would survive a desolate world whilst they perished starving and together. Normund had to grow up quickly as it was a custom of his people. Something he remembered as he was the only one left.

Religion: he does not believe in any gods of his ancestors as they lead his people astray and caused the once bucolic fields of life and good harvest to wilt and perish.

Nationality: Survivor. earthling of the now desolate wastelands which were once green and full of life.

Political Affiliations: none exists

Hobbies: Gardening and the love and admiration for his plants.


Sex Life: he has no human relationships as all of his kin have since died when he was a young age.

Moral Standards: Doesn’t like death but respects that it is essential to life. He understand that without death there would be no life. He is overwhelmingly loving and nurturing to his plants as they are the last bit of life he has in his world.

Frustrations: Consistent challenges in the environment around him. Always trying to protect his plants and keep them fed/watered but the elements are always countering his work. He is perpetually fighting the heat, lack of water and occasional sand storms whilst trying to cater for his plants needs.

disappointments: his capabilities in keeping his beloved plants alive.

Temperament: Patient is his biggest trait as he has to be in this world, but is also extremely resilient and will do anything to save his plants. He has got a lot of grit and will never give in.

Attitude: he is forever hopeful with his ever consistent tasks, but at the same time still a realist. He understands that the world around him doesn’t care of hope, it is what it is and will not take kindly to him. He has a stoic attitude with a grim face. He then will have a sudden change in attitude until gardening.

Complexes: Fights the feeling of loneliness and being left behind. fights to keep his plants alive and is desperate to stay with them.

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