PPS Questions


  1. How is his shirt still white? After all these years, surrounded by dust. Scarce water   sources, barely enough to survive, how does he plan to wash it? He is 65 he knows how to keep himself clean.
  2. Isn’t 6 too young for a child to lose his/her parents, and then have to be able to survive? You can only count to 200 when you’re 8, and then you have to be smart enough to decide how you divide the rations to last long enough until the next crops have grown. Changed the age to 8, my brothers age, he can survive in the wild.
  3. How did the parents starve to death, but leave enough food for a child to last long enough until they can grow their own? Nobody wants to die, if there is food and you are starving, you’ll take it. Parents will always put their children first, especially if they are a loving family.
  4. Shouldn’t he have an incredible fear of death? Because when he dies, he knows that his plants will die too and then earth will really be lost. He is more worried about his constant need to care for his plants in the present, they consume his thoughts constantly.
  5. Doesn’t he have an intense relationship with his plants? He cares for them so much that they will become like his children. Yes as i said he loves them dearly and cares for them constantly.
  6. Isn’t he depressed? To be surrounded by death his whole life, won’t he ever want to give up? He is, he is constantly sad and hunched over. his plants keep him going.

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