
So I have chosen the Dothraki language because I am a huge game of thrones fan. I would have preferred to use high Valerian or the dialects of the free cities but I guess this will do. Dothraki is not recorded in any well documented text. This is because the Dothrak are a nomadic warrior people who do not document language like the more modern free cities. They therefore have their own language but not their own written language. Any written language would have been recorded in high Valerian, Braavosi, Lysene, Tyroshi or Pentoshi.

The Dothraki language was created by David j Peterson of the Language Creation Society. He has created many other languages in the game of thrones adapting from the phrases and words written in George RR Martins books. image

“Two major factors come into play. First, the topography of the area, which helps determine what these people do and don’t have words for, and what their lifestyle is like. I think about these people and ask: “What are their lives supposed to be like?”, “Who do they interact with on a regular basis?” and “How do those interactions shape their own culture?”

The second factor is their level of technology. The world of ‘Game of Thrones’ is at a significantly lower level of technology than the modern world. And in the case of Dothraki, they are at a technology level that’s below even that. It seems that their culture is very insular. They don’t let their interactions with other people influence their lifestyle. What that said to me is that the Dothraki are going to have words for their own lifestyle, and they may borrow other terms. For example, the Dothraki word for “book” is borrowed from Valyrian.”

Qoy Qoyi


  • (literally, “blood of my blood”) the style of address between Khal and bloodrider.

i could use the ideas of ‘blood of my blood’ to showcase the Khal and his blood riders and the unbreakable bond between them. i could maybe create a scrolling website around the lore of the blood riders. I’m a bit worried that it might be too fan based tho 😦


Thank You?




Dothraki “Rider”


The Dothraki are nomadic horse-mounted warriors, who sweep across the vast central plains of Essos in search of plunder. Most of their society is centered around their horses: even their name for themselves in their own language, “Dothraki”, literally means “riders”. Dothraki boys learn to shoot bows from horseback when they are only four years old. The Dothraki will abandon a sick or injured leader who can no longer ride a horse.

I quite like this idea. Ive grown up with horses and like the Dothraki i have been riding since a young age. I have got a good understanding of horse form and anatomy and hopefully this will reflect in the muscle tones and shapes in my illustrations.





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