Second Haiku

With scrawling quill

words leapt over landscape

and soon began to soar.

This is my second Haiku that i have found. i find that it has a lot of imagery. its pretty cool because i could create some trippy morphing landscapes with weird and wonderful stuffs happening.


The desert of life

is just a hallucination

a pretty mirage.




Below are a few animations and pictures that i am drawing inspiration from. i like the dreamland look of them.








so ive decided to use the second haiku because its simply just more sick. also i can use the desert theme and make things that would usually be solid become liquid. this will be nice and trippy.



this duck video is pretty cool because it shows a whole different side to a hunt and how normal objects can be displayed in a new perspective that works. i like the simplifies shapes and bright colours.


i really dig the way this artist morphs the evolving life form in this animation. im going to try and cell animate a few things so this is good inspiration.



i like this video because of the bubbles used. i might incorporate it in the mirage scene.

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