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For the last century agriculture has been a profitable and stable business venture with a high demand to feed our ever-growing population. With continual developments in agricultural science, humankind has continually been able to trick nature into producing more and more yields. We have been able to use fertilizers and pesticides to guarantee success and even genetically engineer crops with drought or frost resistant.

However, farmers across South Africa were not expecting the drought of 2016 to be so devastating. Slowly nationwide we began to feel its effects as our soils slowly began to dry up. Even before Cape Town began to plan for day zero farmers had already seen its devastating effects. Without support from the government or any drought prevention or alleviation strategies, farmers began to lose hope and fear bankruptcy.

Introducing Yield; a Networking, business and educational app developed for farmers to help counter and prepare for drought crisis. With Yield, Farmers are able to network with other farmers from different regions and share how they cope and prevent devastating effects the drought has on their crops and livestock. The app also provides a medium to buy and sell resources from person to person at cost price to help alleviate financial pressure. And if you would prefer a non-personal means of drought education and alleviation, resources with video and textual tutorials are there to aid you with varying farming challenges.

New one

For the last century agriculture has been a profitable and stable business venture with a high demand to feed our ever-growing population. With continual developments in agricultural science, humankind has continually been able to trick nature into producing more and more yields.                   15s

However, farmers across South Africa were not expecting the drought of 2016 to be so devastating. Slowly nationwide we began to feel its effects as our soils began to dry up. Even before Cape Town began to plan for day zero farmers had already seen its devastating effects.                          20s

Introducing Yield; a Networking, business and educational app developed for farmers to help counter and prepare for drought crisis.   15s (mockup of navigation)

With Yield, Farmers are able to network with other farmers from different regions and share how they cope and prevent devastating effects the drought has on their crops and livestock.          15s

The app also provides a medium to buy and sell resources from person to person at cost price to help alleviate financial pressure.     15s

And if you would prefer a non-personal means of drought education and alleviation, resources with video and textual tutorials are there to aid you with varying farming challenges.              15s

From Sticks to Hoes to Plows, Yield will be the next tool in growing our future.  10s

total 1:45

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