
eMfuleni eYami

Digital Motion Graphic Campaign

Problem: Pipe leakage along the MsunDuzi river causes raw sewerage to be pumped downstream from the source near Joburg to the river mouth in Durban. Along the way, the residents who live along the river are subjected to high readings of the E.coli bacterium. Because they rely on the water as a source of washing, cleaning cooking utensils as well as drinking they are therefore at risk of infection and therefore their health and livelihood are threatened.

Brief: The objective of this brief is creating a digital social media marketing campaign for a social issue of your choice. The aim of the campaign is to push for change, whether it be a change in attitude lifestyle, thinking or being. The deliverables were 1 x 90 Second add, 1 x 30 Second cut down and 3 x touchpoints.

Solution: eMfuleni eYami is a motion graphic digital campaign aimed at people who live along the banks of the Msunduzi River. Its goal is to create awareness as well as solutions to poor water quality. After awareness comes prevention, this can be done by sanitising cooking utensils and drinking water as well as report dumping and leaking sewerage pipes.



Mobile app design

Problem: The drought of 2018-2019 left farmers of South Africa in disarray. In September of 2018, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation warned southern African countries of the formation of a drought. The El Niño event disrupted the countries annual rainfall forcing farmers to sow much later in the season. This contributed to food-insecurity of the nation and affected the economy.

Brief: The objective of this brief was to create a mobile app to help drought elevation for farmers of South Africa. The brief was to develop the apps user interface in order to elevate user experience. The deliverables include 1 x mobile app concept, theme, look and feel and logo/app icon design; 1 x mobile application prototype and 1 x case study motion graphic explainer video.

Solution: During the El Niño drought of 2018-2019 an estimate of 9.6 million South Africans were food-insecure. Low annual rainfall caused widespread panic amongst the farming communities of South Africa. Farmers were urged not to sell their stockpiled food in order to sell to local communities as well as feed starving livestock. Yield is a first for farmers, it provides a networking platform that brings farming communities together. It incentivises users to communicate their shared problems and help each other with solutions. Users also have the ability to buy and sell their produce directly through the app without dealing through third parties, substantially reducing buying price.

Intended Audience: The primary target audience is farmers of all ages who are affected heavily by the drought, mainly small farm owners who are struggling to survive financially during these tough times. The secondary target audience would be farmers of all ages who have the financial means to survive the drought but are willing to network and help their local community.

Case study video: This video is a full unpack of the campaign and explanation of the apps purpose and intended objectives.


Experimental Interactive Website

Problem: Creating an experimental interactive website within the theme of time.

Brief: The objective of this brief was to create an experimental interactive website to explore and investigate the concept of Time through a variety of digital media such as sound, interaction, app design, video, motion graphics etc. The website needs to consist of a minimum of 5 digital experimentations which don’t need to relate with each other in medium but should ideally make up a coherent narrative as the viewer/ user explores the experiment.

Solution: Release is an experimental website that portrays five emotion systems abstractly over time. Each experiment uses a mixture of 2D and 3D motion graphics to give the user a visual representation of the physiological differences of emotional systems in the human body over time. The five emotional systems include; Care, fear, Grief, Rage and Seeking. These emotional systems drive our daily functions and prepare our body to react in different situations.

Intended Audience: The target audience of this website is anyone who has an interest in the contemplative notions of time. Specifically, those who are interested in Emotional systems and how they affect people over time.

Case study video: Release is an experimental interactive website off five sections with an overarching theme of Time. It includes five emotional systems and their effect on the body over time. The case study video encapsulates the functions of the website within a 2-minute video.


Hero of Hrothgar

Game Design

Problem: Conceptualising a fresh and exciting game franchise of our own with a new character and sprites, game goals and objectives as well as enemies and obstacles that might make the game more fun to play.

Brief: The objective of this brief was to create a unique, visually pleasing and playable 2D side-scrolling platform game. The requirements were to produce a game franchise with goals and game objectives. Accompanied by a character with sprite sheets for all major movements, enemies and environments to create a side-scrolling level and lastly UI elements such as; a title design, a launch Screen, a working menu screen and heads up display for your game.

Solution: The Hero of Hrothgar is a 2D side-scrolling platform game set in the ice-covered shores of Gotland(ancient Iceland of the coast of Sweden). The game follows the Viking prince Asbjörn on his journey to strengthen ties between his neighbouring village. Little does he know, dark forces await him. After landing ashore he has to traverse dangerous mountain passes, treacherous tombs and varying obstacles to make his way to the village.

Intended Audience: The target audience of this game is varied from scholars to students and or working adults. It is essentially for those who aspire to craft beautiful games or those in dire need of a weapon to fight boredom. This game is for anyone who feels like a bit of adventure and craves to dive into a nordic past and trudge through snow and sleet in anticipation to discover ancient weapons and restless creatures.

Case study video: This video is a recording of the walkthrough of the 2D platform game. It follows the Viking prince Asbjörn on his journey to strengthen ties between his neighbouring village.


Short Film

Problem: Working together as a tight and efficient production team to ensure that our goals were met to produce a successful short film. We needed to create a clear and engaging narrative as well as visually and phonically effective content that would resonate with our intended audience.

Brief: The objective of the brief was to create an 8-15 minute Short Film of our choosing. We were tasked with key designated roles and assigned goals and objectives to form part of a greater production team. I was assigned the role of sound engineering and musical score.

Solution:  Fissure is a psycho-thriller indie short film that reviews concepts such as past trauma and the minds ability to overcome it.



Animated self-promo

Problem: Creating a self-promotional video that is visually pleasing and will resonate and be recognisable to the viewer.

Brief:  The objective of this brief was to create a 10-second animated self-promotional video with an accompanying name and logo that loops seamlessly.

Solution:  A seamless 10-second animation showcasing what the brand Campbell Crowe is all about. 

Intended Audience: The target audience of this self-promo are future clients or anyone who is interested in the work showcased on Instagram.


Motion Graphics

Problem: Creating 3 unique Motion Graphics that beautifully accompany each Haiku.

Brief:  The objective of this brief is to create 3 motion graphic interpretations of 3 different haikus of our choosing. The requirements of each motion graphic is to be in full HD 25 frame per second and no longer than 40 seconds. The use of sound, visual elements and composition need to be considered when creating each Mo-Graph. They can be interpreted as abstract, literal, lateral or juxtaposed.

Solution:  Visually beautiful and narratively rich Motion Graphics that interpret the Haikus successfully.

Intended Audience: The target audience is anyone who has an interest in Motion Graphics or likes Japanese poetry.

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